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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Davion the Dragon Knight

1. Introduction
2. Updates
3. Skill Analysis
4. Skill Point Allocation
5. Quick Tutorial on how to Stack Camps
6. To buy, or not to buy
7. Dragonnade!
8. Safe Lane Lair
9. Conclusion


So, Davion the Dragon Knight. He is my favorite hero in Dota 2 simply because I like the fact that he turns into a dragon. Over time, I figured out what to do and what not to do with him, and I believe I have a few builds that work very well for him. He isn't the hardest carry in the game, but he is still extremely powerful if played correctly. He has great laning with natural regen from  Dragon Blood and a powerful nuke from  Breathe Fire. He also has the longest guaranteed stun at Lvl 1 from  Dragon Tail. His Ultimate,  Elder Dragon Form turns him into a dragon(never would have guessed) with increased move speed, a lethal DoT buff, increased range on his stun, and turns him into a ranged hero. He has the strong stat growth of a melee hero, but is a ranged hero when it comes to fights.

Most everyone thinks he is somewhat weak, and they aren't necessarily wrong, but they exaggerate his weaknesses. This guide won't be very good for someone wanting to learn the very basics of the game and the hero, so yeah. Just a warning.

Be aware that these guides work for me and my play style, but might not be suited for your own play style.


9/9/15: Published.
9/10/15: Added skill breakdown chapter and skill build deviation chapter.
10/13/15: Changed various aspects of the build.
10/14/15: Finished Changes for Dragonnade! and started Soul Burner
[*] Soul Burner incomplete ATM.
10/16/15: Found out Soul Burner doesn't work as well as it used to as it is. Removed till further notice.
11/30/15: Added ground-work for Safe Lane Lair.
12/1/15: Small tweaks to both guides.
12/3/15: More small tweaks to Safe Lane Lair.
12/16/15: 6.86 released, tweaks incoming.
1/2/16: Nothing was tweaked, Dragonnade still works well this patch.
1/2/16: Safe Lane Lair chapter added. Will be improved over time.
1/12/16: Major changes all around.

Skill Analysis

 Breathe Fire is a vanilla AoE cone nuke, probably one of the simplest in the game. Use this to easily last hit, but try to hit the other mid laner at the same time. It reduces base damage, so it will throw off their last hits.
 Dragon Tail is an extremely good stun at all levels of the game. It is somewhat unique, as most carries do not have such a long stun. At level 1, Dragon Tail is the longest guaranteed early game stun at 2.5 seconds. At level 4, it is still a good stun with 3.25 seconds. Use it to easily secure a rune or kill, or maybe make an escape.
 Dragon Blood is a very good early game passive for laning. It gives 3 bonus regen at level 1 along with 3 armor. At least 2 levels in this skill will be enough to keep your HP high and will allow you to last hit without much fear of harassment. Patch 6.86 brought a pretty significant buff to  Dragon Knight. At max level,  Dragon Blood now gives a bonus of 12 hp regen per second, compared to the previous 5 hp regen. With that buff  Dragon Blood is now much more relevant later on in the game.
 Elder Dragon Form is what gives  Dragon Knight his carry potential. At level 1, it gives you increased attack range, increased range on  Dragon Tail and a lethal DoT buff(It can kill an enemy. Pre 6.84, it could not).  Elder Dragon Form allows you to easily push down towers. If the enemy mid laner is off ganking, immediately push to their tower and damage/destroy it. At level 2, it provides a strong range cleave along with the previous buffs. Finally, at level 3, you place a slow debuff on enemies you autoattack, allowing you to get more hits in and keeping them from escaping.

Skill Point Allocation

 Dragon Knight's skill build is very adaptable depending on how your lane is going. If you know you will face heavy harassment, just switch leveling  Breathe Fire with  Dragon Blood. This will lower your ability to harass the enemy and secure easy last hits, but it is somewhat offset by the fact that you have more armor and can regen any damage you take faster.

Some guides recommend leveling stats over  Dragon Tail due to the fact that it scales poorly. In my own experience, it doesn't seem to be beneficial, and at times it was detrimental. Go for this skill build if you feel that you don't need as much lock down.

Finally, take a level in  Elder Dragon Form whenever you can. It is recommended in some outdated guides to skip leveling  Elder Dragon Form at level 11 because you lose the Corrosive Breath buff. Those guides are no longer correct, and the corrosive breath buff transfers across all levels.

Quick Tutorial on how to Stack Camps

 Helm of the Dominator is a very good item to get in the early to mid game. Dominate(HotD's active) will let you control a creep of your choice. When I build  Helm of the Dominator I use that creep to stack ancients for me. If you want to do this, it is best to dominate a ranged mage creep because they can regen health. In case you don't know how to stack, here's a quick tutorial:

1. Place your dominated creep near a creep camp.
2. A new creep camp spawns every minute if the current camp is not occupied. So every time the timer reaches around the 53 second mark, have your ranged creep attack a creep in the camp.
3. Make the creep run away. The creeps in the camp should follow. They chase for 7 seconds before returning to their camp.
4. Once you go back there should be a new group of creeps. The camp is now stacked.

*Note: The ancient Thunderhide creep (the one that looks like a yellow dinosaur) has an ability called Frenzy that has a cast time. It will cause it to stay behind in the camp, ruining the stack. To avoid this, just move your creep near the camp till they aggro. Frenzy only activates when you deal damage to the creeps, so moving your creep into aggro range prevents this.

*Note 2: It is very hard to stack camps more than 4 times. Your best way of doing this is having an ally who can create unpassable terrain such as  Clockwerk  Earthshaker or  Tusk.

To buy, or not to buy

 Black King Bar:
It will allow DK to stand in team fights, but will delay your other items a lot, making DK less effective overall.

Cases in which not to buy a Black King Bar:
Enemy has no major magic damage or CC.
Enemy has many BKB piercing spells (making BKB irrelevant).
Your team has someone to keep you alive or remove stuns, i.e Abbadon.

If you are not sure whether or not to buy a BKB, buy one anyways. It is almost never a bad choice.

 Blink Dagger:
In recent patches, it has become very popular to buy  Blink Dagger on  Dragon Knight. It is very good for initiation. It helps with mobility and positioning, which  Dragon Knight desperately needs. But if you buy it early om (such as right after boots) you are going to be doing negligible damage. The only benefit you gain is you become an initiator. Buy it later on, or if your team has no initiators.

 Hand of Midas: This item is good if you are in the safelane. It gives you everything you need. But if you are going mid, DO NOT GET IT. The only reason you should consider getting this mid is if you get both starting bounty runes, first blood, and two more kills right after that. It puts you at too much of a disadvantage. It will get you more gold and experience, but by the time you start getting a significant benefit it will most likely already be too late to do anything with it.


Starting Off

Now, I always play  Dragon Knight mid with this build. Starting off with a set of  Tangoes,  Quelling Blade, an  Iron Branch, and one  Faerie Fire gives you a really solid start to the lane. It is optimal to get 2  Tango (Shared) from someone to more easily rush  Bottle, but this might not be the case very often.

First thing you get is a  Bottle. Mana is one of  Dragon Knight's problems, so rune control is essential to success in lane. From there, go into  Power Treads and then  Helm of the Dominator.

Items to buy instead of HotD include:
 Armlet of Mordiggian: Makes  Dragon Knight an absolute nightmare in mid game. You get a huge damage and health boost. The HP drain is somewhat negated by your high HP regen from  Dragon Blood. In some cases, you can get both the  Helm of the Dominator and  Armlet of Mordiggian. These two items combined make you extremely powerful in mid game, but Armlet falls of later on. You can get the most benefit if you are good at Armlet Toggling.

 Aether Lens: The extra mana pool is a huge benefit to DK, and the extra regen helps as well.. Secondly, the extended spell range is really good.  Breathe Fire will reach out longer distances to poke an enemy if they are staying back, and  Dragon Tail has a really nice range increase. And if you are in  Elder Dragon Form the range on your stun is actually ridiculous.

 Shadow Blade: Get this if you are ganking frequently. A  Dragon Tail out of the darkness is very good. Remember that  Dragon Knight spells are casted instantaneously, so you can get the bonus damage attack off first, then quickly stun.
Can later be built into a  Silver Edge which can also be good for turning off passives.

 Mask of Madness: This is not a very popular choice for  Dragon Knight. It is also not a very good choice this patch. But, some people might like it. I have no idea what situation you would buy it for this patch, so just get this if you want to experiment.

 Blink Dagger: Refer to chapter "To buy or not to buy" above.

At all times, try to analyze the situation in other lanes, and if you get a good rune such as DD or haste, go for a gank. With level 6, success is almost guaranteed.

Mid Game

The main focus of this guide is to become a late-game carry. To achieve that, you will need lots of gold. DK is very item dependent. Stack ancient camps which you can farm later at level 11 (once you get splash attack). Your Sange and Yasha provide good stats and some chase, allowing you to gank effectively along with  Dragon Tail. Finally, get a  Black King Bar IF YOU NEED IT (again, refer to "To buy or not to buy" chapter). Always be aware of the enemy mid laner's movements. If they leave lane, activate  Elder Dragon Form and start hitting their tower. If they aren't moving from lane, go top or bottom and apply pressure on one of those towers. Towers will be your main source of gold in mid game, so take them with your Dragon Form whenever you can.

Late Game

Now, at this point you should have everything you need to easily transition into a late game monster. Your Sange and Yasha will still provide some good stats and some chase, which once paired with lvl 3 Dragon Form will amount to a lot. From there, choose a late-game item or two. My usual items are  Assault Cuirass and Daedalus, and then  Satanic. I will assume that you people have enough game sense to know what items to get to fit the situation. But I will mention 5 choices.

 Radiance+ Octarine Core: If you get one of these items, there is no reason for you to not eventually get the other. These two items combined with DK's naturally high durability makes you have extreme sustain.

 Abyssal Blade: Some people have convinced me to add this as an option, so here it is. You get a lot of disable with this. So you have a 2 second BKB piercing stun, 3.25 seconds from  Dragon Tail, and the occasional bash. This should give you enough time to get someone really low before they start attacking back.

If you have enough farm, replace your  Sange and Yasha with a  Eye of Skadi.  Sange and Yasha is often called the poor man's Skadi, so you might as well live like a rich DK if you can. It has better stats and a slow. Once the slow is paired with your lvl 3 Dragon Form, the bad guys aren't going anywhere.

Finally, if you do not need to be uber-tanky, replace the  Assault Cuirass with a  Mjollnir. You get much more attack speed and chain lightning, resulting in huge AOE damage. If the game goes late and you have the gold to spare, you can purchase a  Moon Shard. Whether or not you want to replace your  Assault Cuirass/Mjollnir with the  Moon Shard or just consume it is your choice. Personally I would consume the  Moon Shard rather than replace an item with it.

Safe Lane Lair

Starting Off

You should be going safelane with this build, preferably with someone like  Keeper of the Light that will allow you to spam  Breathe Fire. Essentially a mana battery. Starting with a set of  Tangoes and a  Quelling Blade will give you enough regen and last hitting power to comfortably get stay in lane. Then you rush a  Soul Ring. With the likely possibility that your support isn’t a mana battery, you can use a  Soul Ring to spam Breathe Fire for easy last hits. Your high regen from  Dragon Blood will allow you to easily offset hp lost from Sacrifice (Soul Ring’s active ability). If you do happen to have a mana battery for a support, then just build a Magic Wand. For your boots, you can chose between  Power Treads and  Phase Boots. I like to take  Phase Boots in the safe lane simply because they help run away. You shouldn’t be engaging at this point in the game, but you can take  Power Treads if you prefer it.

Mid Game

Your main mid game item will be a  Maelstrom. It will greatly increase your farming speed, and to a lesser degree, your damage. It will later on be used to build  Mjollnir.You should be farming at a pretty high rate now, and should soon get a  Black King Bar. It will stop the enemy from disabling you during teamfights and keep you safe from a  Dragon Knight’s biggest danger. Magic Damage. If you think you can skip getting a  Black King Bar then go ahead and build an item for around the same gold which fits the situation such as an  Orchid Malevolence or  Manta Style. You can also just finish your  Mjollnir or get components for your  Butterfly.

Late Game

By now you should have a  Mjollnir and  Butterfly. These two items combined give you enough damage and EHP to easily siege and take fights without much trouble. Your final item should be situational. If you need more HP, buy a  Heart of Tarrasque. If the enemy team has evasion, buy a  Monkey King Bar. If you just want more damage, buy  Daedalus. If you need to get pickoff or disable pesky passives, get  Silver Edge. And finally, if something went horribly wrong and you are no longer a position 1 or 2 carry, you can get a  Solar Crest to further increase your EHP and provide utility for your teammates.

If you want to carry  Aegis of the Immortal or  Cheese, drop your BKB for it, and have a courier nearby holding the BKB to deliver it to you once you lose either of those.


So that marks the end of this guide. I will probably keep coming back and improving this guide over time and adding new builds for different scenarios such as safelane or offlane. So be sure to check back every now and then. Feel free to leave criticism(hopefully constructive criticism) and tips in the comments. Thanks!

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